PART ONE – JANUARY 1940 TO JUNE 3rd 1941
Edited by George's nephew Robin Freeston


This part corresponds more or less to the end of the ‘Phoney war’, the Blitzkrieg and the Blitz
months, the last great fire raid on London being on the night of May 10th/11th 1941.
George “Joined Up” on June 3rd 1941.

Abridged to matters of wartime life especially in Blisworth, family matters being mostly omitted.
The original punctuation and style has been followed but standardised for ease of reading.
Explanatory notes are added in square brackets.

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January 1940

Monday 1st

Saw the New Year in quietly – and so for work for 1940.

Tuesday 2nd

Had half-day and went to Exchange [Later Gaumont cinema] in afternoon, then tea and supper at Black Boy.

Wednesday 3rd

Still freezing. Busy day at Seals [George worked for Russel Seal’s in Northampton].

Thursday 4th

Scouts in evening, quite a good gathering now altho’ rather small in numbers.

Friday 5th

Library in evening. Uneventful day.

Saturday 6th

Work all day owing to ½ day on Tuesday.

Sunday 7th

Lazy day. Pheasant for dinner, very nice and of course Burgundy.

Monday 8th

Usual day at work.

Tuesday 9th

I am not sure whether I’m sorry or not at having missed conscription up to 28’s [year olds] now.

Wednesday 10th

Am trying to remember what happened today – but general talk is war and rationing.

Thursday 11th

Scouting at night.

Friday 12th

Usual Friday at work. Library in evening.

Saturday 13th

Very cold so unable to do much in garden. Tidied up instead. Did a bit more to bedroom.

Sunday 14th

Cold and Frosty. Frost in ground about 8". Went up to “Stone Steps” for tea [Bill’s house]. Quite a nice change.

Monday 15th

Still very cold and no rain for weeks now.

Tuesday 16th

Snow and frost. Roads very bad. Went to Exchange with Stuart [Woolacott] in evening. Enjoyed ride home.

Wednesday 17th

Very cold. Went to Rectory in the evening. Poor attendance but pleasant evening.

Thursday 18th

Snow and frost continues. Scouts in evening, but hurt my ankle during outdoor run.

Friday 19th

Foot very painfull during night. Went down to Doctors in morning. Am to stay in bed for day or two.

Saturday 20th

Very cold, freezing very hard. Stayed in bed all day. Foot rather painfull.

Sunday 21st

Extreme frost. Coldest day for 35 years according to Mr. Westley. Got up in evening.

Monday 22nd

Snowed during the morning. Foot improving. Very cold still.

Tuesday 23rd

Freezing all the time. Foot improving but am rather enjoying holiday at home.

Wednesday 24th

Very cold. Everywhere still frozen up. Went out for little walk. Had letter from Ray Carter.

Thursday 25th

Slight thaw. Did a little more in bedroom. Chapel sale of work. Had pork-pie tea in spite of Rationing.

Friday 26th

Nice morning. Terrific snowstorm in afternoon. Pipe burst at home. Library in evening.

Saturday 27th

Still snowing. This is the worst we have had for many years. Went to doc’s in morning and “got off club”. Worked in bedroom in morning. Went to Mr. Woodmans 60th party.

Sunday 28th

Snowed during the night, also on and off during the day. Now about 12" of snow. Went to church in afternoon. Had wild duck for dinner. O.K.

Monday 29th

Everywhere completely snowed up. Worst for 45 years. Very busy hire day at home [Taxi]. Managed to get to work – not too bad – but not very busy which was O.K.

Tuesday 30th

Everywhere is still snowed up. Buses not running. Finland has had rough day with air raids. Bought some new shoes.

Wednesday 31st

Still no change. Roads very bad. Am still getting to work about 9.30. Went to Rectory in evening. Very enjoyable. Dorothy went first time.

February 1940

Thursday 1st

Slight thaw during day but roads still very bad. Business very bad. Scouts in evening.

Friday 2nd

Frost during night. Snow still holds. Library and Church meeting in evening. Dispute over W.D. [Window?]

Saturday 3rd

Thawing very gradually. Worked all day. Frank shot another pheasant. 2 German planes down in England. Came home on bus.

Sunday 4th

Still Thawing. Frank went out with gun. Went to church in morning. Had new suit on. Had illicit pork for dinner. Busy evening with hire work.

Monday 5th

Still thawing. Road very bad. Snow brought spouting down. Worked all day.

Tuesday 6th

Snow still going. Removed blind in Church and dusted walls. Tidied up greenhouse etc.

Wednesday 7th

Cold but thawing still. Choral in evening. Ran through the Crucifixion in the hopes of doing it at Easter.

Thursday 8th

Cold but thawing still. Scouting in evening. Late in going to bed. Why the devil I don’t go to bed earlier I don’t know.

Friday 9th

Cold still. River flooding [Northampton]. Went with Cecil to New Theatre in evening. Afterwards to Black Boy for supper. Slept at his house. Very enjoyable evening.

Saturday 10th

Cold day. Worked all day. Had invitation to party in evening but did’nt turn out.

Sunday 11th

Sharp Frost last night. Cold but dry day. 2 Pheasants and K/Beans and Burgundy for dinner (and wartime). Stayed at home all day. Wrote to Fred Digby.

Monday 12th

Bitterly cold wind. Sharp frost. Freezing again in the evening. Took a party over to Roade in the evening to a whist drive. The cold is evidently coming back with the new moon (Friday).

Tuesday 13th

Snow looks as if it must come through. Still very cold.

Wednesday 14th

Bitterly cold still. Snowed most of morning. Choral in evening.

Thursday 15th

Snow still hanging around. Bitterly cold wind. Half day. Church in afternoon. Confirmations. Nice service. Scouting in evening. Had letter from Cecil.

Friday 16th

A busy day at Seals. Mrs. Basford died yesterday. Library in evening. Still very cold. Bill brought Amos Burges [Burgess’?] letter down. Shall have to join him someday.

Saturday 17th

Snowed again during night. Difficult going on roads during day. Mrs. Chapman died. Early to bed.

Sunday 18th

Went to 8o/c communion. Did various odd jobs in morning. Church again in afternoon. Enjoyable evening at home.

Monday 19th

Dull and mild. Snow quickly going. Busy day at work. Shall soon have to think about working in bedroom again.

Tuesday 20th

Dull but very mild. Went to Towcester cinema in the evening, took Stewart and his Pa. Very good picture.

Wednesday 21st

Very mild. Dull. Snow still going. Trouble brewing in Turkey. Germany windy. Choral in evening.

Thursday 22nd

Mild, still thawing. Good scout meeting in evening.

Friday 23rd

Library in evening, called all books in. Choral afterwards, but afraid the “Crucifixion” is’nt going too well.

Saturday 24th

Lovely day. Halfday off. Stocked the elder up in the hedge. Frost has come out of ground well. Looking forward to next month so we can do some gardening.

Sunday 25th

Clocks put back last night. Frank has slight Flu so stayed in all day. Mother went to Nook [George’s brother Ralph lived here] for tea. ARP practice in afternoon.

Monday 26th

Ye Gods just like getting up in the middle of the night and ‘tis called SUMMERTIME. Mild but rather dull. Frank stayed in all day. Renting in evening.

Tuesday 27th

Dull day. Mild. Franks cold slighly better. Did a few minutes work in garden on coming home. Had busy evening fixing up artistes in readiness for concert turn.

Wednesday 28th

Colder. Have rather a cold. Choral in evening but poor attendance.

Thursday 29th

Turning much colder. Cancelled Scout’s as I have a rotten cold and the old back pain is returning again. Busy in evening on “Save paper” stunt and concert items. Ron went to ARP dinner at Gayton.

March 1940

Friday 1st

Dull and cold. Library in evening.

Saturday 2nd

Lovely day. Spent afternoon in garden clearing up. Afterwards delivered church notices around village. Stayed indoors during evening.

Sunday 3rd

Sharp frost during night, but turned out to be a lovely day altho’ the wind is rather cold. Mabel Henny came over. Wrote to Cecil. Church in morning and Scout parade in evening to Church.

Monday 4th

Bright day but cold. Would have liked to go to X’change [cinema] but came home early instead.

Tuesday 5th

Frosty during night. Cold. Minor outbreaks on western front. Worked for short time in garden in evening.

Wednesday 6th

Very cold. Sharp frost again. Started pruning the red currants in the evening. Choral practice in evening. Back ache rather badly. Dorothy develops a cold.

Thursday 7th

Sharp frost last night. Dorothy’s cold a bit better. Scouting in evening, good meeting. Tooth still wants to ache.

Friday 8th

Nice day. Had letter from Henry. Busy day. Dorothy developed measles. Library in evening.

Saturday 9th

Lovely day. Busy in morning. Worked in garden in afternoon. Then went to Scout meeting in Northampton, afterwards going to the X’change to see “The Rains came.”

Sunday 10th

Lovely day. Dorothy little better. Worked in garden all morning. Cleared hedge bits up and pruned Loganberries. Church practice in the afternoon. Service in evening. Wrote to Henry and Cecil in evening.

Monday 11th

Lovely day. Errand boy sent home ill. Renting in evening. Went up to Greens for “Crucifixion” in evening, doing better now.

Tuesday 12th

Dull day. Rain hanging around. Errand boy still ill. Busy day. Rain in evening. Finland peace movement. Started on practice for “Snow White” business.

Wednesday 13th


Thursday 14th

Snow fell considerably during night and during morning. Went down to Chapel concert in evening, very good. No Scouts.

Friday 15th

Nice day. Busy Library in evening followed by “Crucifixion” practice. Not too good.

Saturday 16th

Halfday. Busy in garden. Shifted various shrubs in the Iris border. Practice in evening in church, enjoyed it very much.

Sunday 17th

Rained like fury all morning and on and off during the day. Did the “Crucifixion” in the church in afternoon. Very good. Went to church in evening.

Monday 18th

Rain and rough. Too wet for any gardening. Busy with “Snow White” practice at Mrs. Clinch’s in evening.

Tuesday 19th

Busy evening on SW. stunt again. Am looking forward to this coming off. Hope it goes off all right. Hepatica out lovely.

Wednesday 20th

Mothers Birthday. Practice at Mrs. Clinches in evening. Am now Dopey.

Thursday 21st

Nice day. Scouting in evening. Boys busy with National Service Badge.

Friday 22nd

Busy day. Worked all day. GOOD FRIDAY. Went to Lantern Lecture in Church in evening after Library.

Saturday 23rd

Busy day at work. Inclined to rain. No half day this week. Pink Hepatica now out.

Sunday 24th

EASTER SUNDAY. Nice day. Church at 8o/c and morning service. Record Communions. Daffs and Snowdrops in church. Gardened in afternoon. Very enjoyable day.

Monday 25th

EASTER MONDAY. Glorious day. Frank and I spent all day in garden. Mowed lawn and did general tidying up. No Towcester races.

Tuesday 26th

Busy day at work. Finished at 5o/c in evening much to our surprise. Started on village paper collection scheme.

Wednesday 27th

Busy day. Waste paper collecting in the evening.

Thursday 28th

Waste paper collecting in evening, getting on well. Practice in evening.

Friday 29th

Busy day. Library in evening. Church Vestry meeting afterwards. Stormy meeting.

Saturday 30th

Glorious afternoon. Started digging rose bed up. Commenced work on scenery for concert.

Sunday 31st

Went to 8o/c communion. Worked on scenery during morning and afternoon. Church in evening. Scilla’s out full. Daffs just starting.

April 1940

Monday 1st

Nice day. Collected waste paper in evening.

Tuesday 2nd

Nice day. Reliant in dock. Cycled to work. Finished village paper collecting. Good practice at Mrs.Clinch’s later.

Wednesday 3rd

April showers. Busy day. Sorted paper in evening.

Thursday 4th

Grand day. Busy in evening sorting paper then dress rehearsal later. Hope this goes off well.

Friday 5th

Nice day. No library. Grand concert in evening. Went off very well. Lady Henley was very kind and praising in her criticisms. Very pleased.

Saturday 6th

Glorious day. Busy at work. Good half day in garden. Worked on churchyard paths in evening.

Sunday 7th

Rather dull and cold wind. Went to church in morning. Gardened rest of day. Finished digging Rose garden up. Frank put a few potatoes in. Had general tidy up.

Monday 8th

Worked all evening in churchyard, hope to get finished by Friday.

Tuesday 9th

Dull and rather cold. Busy day. Busy evening sorting paper. GERMANY INVADED DENMARK & SWEDEN [Denmark & Norway].

Wednesday 10th

Had busy night on churchyard paths. Shall have to propose at meeting that we pay some one to regularly do it.

Thursday 11th

Worked at night sorting paper, Have already sold 2½cwt. So that is 12/6d towards the funds.

Friday 12th

Busy at work. Library in evening followed by Church Council meeting at which Mr. Lunn presented the drawings of the new proposed stained glass window in memory of Mrs. Griffith.

Saturday 13th

Lovely day. Worked rather late. Weeded horseradish bed. Dorothy finished strawberry bed. Wireless announced sinking of 7 German destroyers. GREAT WORK !!!!!

Sunday 14th

Rather cold west wind. Church at 8o/c . Worked in garden during day. Mowed lawns. Dug scillas up, so that finished the poor old rose garden.

Monday 15th

Cold. Very stormy. Snow and hail. Cycled to work. Worked on paper sorting in evening, then renting. Allied troops landed in Sweden [Norway].

Tuesday 16th

Dorothy busy on spring cleaning. Did my bedroom. Certainly looks very nice and clean.

Wednesday 17th

Still cold northerly wind. Garden stuff not growing at all. Weeded asparagus bed in evening.

Thursday 18th

Cold and stormy. Finished waste paper sorting and tying. It is rather too much to attempt every month.

Friday 19th

Cold and stormy. Library in evening. (Dreaming of garden entrance etc.) Cecil came home on leave again.

Saturday 20th

Busy morning. Half day. Weeded asparagus beds (this is now coming up). Inclined to rain. Believed that Reg Floyd has gone to Norway.

Sunday 21st

SPRING IS HERE. Glorious day. Worked all day in garden. Mowed lawns etc. Daffs coming out nicely. Saw first swallows (very excited) found Blackbirds nest with young.

Monday 22nd

Usual Monday. Worked in garden in evening, also went Renting.

Tuesday 23rd

Busy day. Went to Exchange to see “Freedom” naval River Plate picture. Went to Black Boy for supper. Went to dance at Salon afterwards. Very good.

Wednesday 24th

Heard Cuckoo. Rather tired after last nights dance.

Thursday 25th

Mild but dull. Scouting in evening. Started outside programme. Fighting continues in Norway.

Friday 26th

Lovely day. Busy day. Library in evening. Finished weeding asparagus beds in evening, also watered the paths with weed killer. Peas up.

Saturday 27th

Warm but Heavy. Rained heavily during evening. Mowed lawns etc. and had good tidy up. Tulips are out lovely now, also “Wanda’s” and plum blossom.

Sunday 28th

Warm inclined to be thundery. Rained during afternoon. Finished pillar near greenhouse. Went to communion in morning. Garden looks grand.

Monday 29th

Dull day inclined to be thundery. Renting and gardened in evening.

Tuesday 30th

Stormy day. Thundery. Went to Exchange in evening. “Escape to happiness”.

May 1940

Wednesday 1st

Everyone rather disappointed over Norway at having to withdraw our troops from the south. Wish this war was all over.

Thursday 2nd

Friday 3rd

Busy day. Library in evening. Gardened in evening. Hope to start on garden gate soon.

Saturday 4th

Nice day. Mowed lawns and dressed them with lawn sand. The tulips are still out lovely. First potatoes are coming up. Doctor Griffith called in.

Sunday 5th

Glorious day. Went for walk with Stuart up to the woods in morning. Doctor Griffith came to dinner. Gardened in afternoon. Church in evening. Wrote to Cecil. “Thank God for this day.”

Monday 6th

[No entry]

Tuesday 7th

Busy evening in the garden. Shifted chickens on the lawn. They are getting on very well now.

Wednesday 8th

Nice day. Busy at work. Had letter from Henry he is in France now. Parliament kicking up for a change.

Thursday 9th

Nice day. Royal Proclamation embracing 28 to 36 [year olds] so shall have to register next month. Scouting in evening.

Friday 10th

Nice day. Library in evening. GERMANS INVADED [FRANCE] HOLLAND & BELGIUM DURING NIGHT. Now for fireworks.

Saturday 11th

Half day. Grand day. Mowed lawns etc. Although proclamation cancelling Bank Holiday we are still having ours. Dutch and Belgians still holding well. Good RAF bag.

Sunday 12th

WHITSUNDAY Lovely day. Church at 7o/c and evening service. Tulips out lovely. Potatoes coming up. Wrote to Henry in France.

Monday 13th

Grand day. German advance still goes on. Worked in garden and prepared the timbers for garden arch. Thankful for enjoyable day.

Tuesday 14th

Grand day. Work again. Went to Rep. Theatre with Stuart in evening to see “On the Spot”. Started to walk home but took a Nortax instead. “Oh my poor feet”.

Wednesday 15th

Weather OK. Busy day. The Woolacott’s came to Supper. Enjoyable time. (Stuarts farewell supper).

Thursday 16th

Grand day. Scouting in evening. Stuart went off today. Wish this war was over. German thrust still continues.

Friday 17th

Weather still lovely altho’ evenings are cold. Busy day. Library in evening.

Saturday 18th

Grand day. Worked during afternoon. ARP practice during afternoon. Busy on garden arch in evening.

Sunday 19th

Glorious day. Worked in garden most of morning. Lazy afternoon. Church in evening. War news not too good.

Monday 20th

Glorious day. Renting in evening followed by first tennis. Enjoyable game. Germany continues her thrust. Serious.

Tuesday 21st

Lovely day. Not too busy at work. Situation in France very grave. Worked in garden in evening. Am trying to decide whether to volunteer for munitions work. Wrote to Cecil.

Wednesday 22nd

Heavy rain during night. Very welcome. The china cabinet at home crashed on Aunt Kate. Few specials broken. Worked in garden in evening. Germans held somewhat.

Thursday 23rd

Dull morning but thundery intervals during the day. German advance now at Bolougne. Scouting at night. Air force boys doing very well. German planes over 1,500 down.

Friday 24th

Business slacking off. Thinking of leaving and doing something of more National importance. Library in evening. Shall have to go to Doctor about my back. German thrust still continues.

Saturday 25th

Heavy day. Rain in evening. Dug up the old spring flower beds, mowed lawns etc.

Sunday 26th

Day of National Prayer. Communion in morning then went to 10.45 service. Good crowd. Rained during afternoon. Spent enjoyable evening at home.

Monday 27th

Show’ry but nice evening. Enjoyed good game of tennis in evening. News grave with regard to B.E.F. German push still continues.

Tuesday 28th

“King of Belgians gives up the fight”. Cloudy but nice evening. Started cutting the hedges in evening. Parashotts [?] are now commencing duties.

Wednesday 29th

Dull and Heavy Rain. Thundery. Planted out beds in evening with Tagetes and Ageratum etc. News very grave. All signposts have been removed. Trying to decide whether to volunteer.

Thursday 30th

Nice day. Bernard arrested and detained. Aggie etc. very upset but it is his own fault. First batch of BEF from Dunkirk arrived in town. They were weary and worn but still with a smile. Scouting in evening.

Friday 31st

Dull morning but nice afterwards. Not very busy at work. Bernard has been allowed to come out. Cecil home. Library in evening. BEF home coming.

June 1940

Saturday 1st

Heavy day. Canadian troops still continue to come thro’ day and night. The children are having a lovely time cheering them on. Hedge cutting etc. in afternoon. Planted Fathers grave in evening. Frank Young married.

Sunday 2nd

Most glorious day. Canadian troops started coming thro’ again early. Had exciting day cheering them on and giving them refreshments. Mr. Payler home. Went to communion and evening service. Busy day in garden. Hedge clipping and busy tidying up.

Monday 3rd

Glorious day. BERNARD again arrested for internment. Had very enjoyable game of tennis in evening. Toothache again shall really have to go and have it out.

Tuesday 4th

Glorious day again. Busy evening on hedge cutting. Evacuation of Dunkirk now complete. Bernard still away.

Wednesday 5th

Glorious day. Not too busy. Germans commenced new offensive against France. Finished hedge clipping at home. Garden looks lovely. Iris out full. Mowed lawns. Had tooth out.

Thursday 6th

Lovely day. Air raids have been going on during week. Scouting in evening. Four evacuees came along.

Friday 7th

Nice day. Do hope the French can hold out against terrible German thrust. Library in evening. Shall have to look around for new librarian.

Saturday 8th

Nice day. Thundery. No rain. Busy ½ day in garden. Jackie finished with us [Russell Seal]. The chickens are getting on well now. German thrust for Paris continues.

Sunday 9th

Thundery and heavy. No rain. Went to Communion and evening service. Caroline Testour coming out lovely. Iris going over quickly.

Monday 10th

Heavy day but no rain. Busy without Jackie. Tennis in evening. ITALY DECLARES war against us. Germany still pushing slowly towards Paris.

Tuesday 11th

Lovely day. German thrust still goes on. Worked in garden in evening. Wish it would rain.

Wednesday 12th

Busy day at work. Caroline Testour and other roses out beautifully. Worked in garden in evening.

Thursday 13th

Nice day. Busy in shop. Wish they would get another boy [Russell Seal]. Scouting in evening.

Friday 14th

Grand day. Busy. Went to volunteer for Air Force but was refused on grounds of reserved occupation. Disappointed but they were pleased at shop.

Saturday 15th

Lovely day. Had bad cold coming on. GERMANS TAKE PARIS. Had to register and was surprised when they told me I was not reserved.

Sunday 16th

Dull day but no rain. Fighting continues. Germans still thrusting onwards. Had lazy day. Went to Church at 8o/c and evening. Frank dug first potatoes.

Monday 17th

Lovely day. Still no rain. FRANCE CEASED FIGHTING WE NOW FIGHT ALONE. Had good game of tennis in evening.

Tuesday 18th

Nice day. Busy. Went up to Labour Exchange and they tell me that I am not reserved. Worked in garden during evening. France STILL fights on.

Wednesday 19th

Lovely day. AIR RAID DURING NIGHT. 12 killed. Some on Northamptonshire. Hitler and Musso negotiating. We shall have now to look out for ourselves. Hitler prepares Peace terms for France.

Thursday 20th

First Dull day for weeks. LARGEST AIR RAID YET DURING NIGHT. 7 killed. Nursing Association Fete at Rectory. Was in the tennis finals, but lost. Very enjoyable.

Friday 21st

Lovely day. Another air raid last night. Wondering when our turn will come. Library in evening. France still fighting but waiting for peace terms.

Saturday 22nd

Dull day. Rained during morning and part afternoon. FRANCE signs PEACE terms with GERMANY. Air Raid again last night. Took all the children and their mothers to Towcester pictures.

Sunday 23rd

Rained quite a lot during day. Very pleased. Lazy day. Took scouts to Chapel in evening.

Monday 24th

Woke up during the night at 2o/c to hear the first air raid warning going. Absolutely an ungodly noise, last[ed] about 30 mins. Rugby damaged. Northampton rather excited about it.

Tuesday 25th

Another air raid warning sounded at 3o/c [am] but it only lasted 20 mins. Nice day. Mother has not yet heard the sirens. Very pleased she did’nt.

Wednesday 26th

Grand day. No air raid warning last night. Very pleased. We are now awaiting Hitler’s bang at us. Gathered Red Currants in evening.

Thursday 27th

Lovely day. Busy. Scouting. Frank on L.D.V. at 10o/c and all through the night. Shall really have to join and give them a hand. [ L.D.V. is the 'Local Defence Volunteers' which were renamed 'Home Guard' by Churchill shortly afterwards].

Friday 28th

Still very hot and dry. Wish it would rain. No library. Marshall Balbo killed. Went to Whist Drive in Mrs. Roper’s garden in aid of Red Cross.

Saturday 29th

Nice Day. Mowed lawns etc. and spent very enjoyable hour with mother preparing and arranging the flowers on the Altar in church.

Sunday 30th

Grand day. Went to Communion. FEAST SUNDAY. Tidied up Flower border in morning. Frank on Paratroops.. INCENDIARY BOMB demonstration in afternoon. Scout Parade in church in evening.

July 1940

Monday 1st

Very hot. Busy. Tennis in evening. Italian troops in Libya etc. are falling to our men. Air raids last night again but not in this district. 12 killed.

Tuesday 2nd

Lovely day. Very hot. Busy day. Tank corps dashing about village – also barricade preparations are going on at speed. Busy evening in garden watering etc, altho’ it looks very like rain.

Wednesday 3rd

We have collared the French Fleet at Oran and elsewhere. Had enjoyable game of tennis in Mrs. Clinch’s garden in evening. Do not know whether I am doing right in this.

Thursday 4th

Nice day altho’ inclined to be stormy. Scouting in evening. Busy day at work. Hope when my medical comes that I can pass sufficient to get in.

Friday 5th

Nice day. Fairly busy. Wish I could get my backache better and feel safe about my medical examination. Library in evening.

Saturday 6th

Rainy morning but cleared up. Misty during afternoon. Frank registered. Made a new top for the well and mowed lawns etc. My head aches rather too much for my liking.

Sunday 7th.

Stormy day. Rain fell nicely at intervals. Misty at intervals. Went to church in morning. Frank and Ron took part in field exercises.

Monday 8th

Hot day. Noel had his medical papers. Am sure that by the feel of my heart when I do get mine I shall be C6. Busy day. Had good game of tennis in evening. Tea to be rationed.

Tuesday 9th

Nice day. Rather tired. Naval action still goes on against French ships. Worked in garden in evening.

Wednesday 10th

Thundery. Very stormy day. Very pleased with the rain. R.A.F. still busy against raiders. Went to Towcester Cinema with Ralph and Ron. Good picture.

Thursday 11th

Stormy day. Thundery. Large air raid last night, but our R.A.F. took heavy toll of them. Short scouting in evening. Wrote to Cecil. Will get to bed early tonight.

Friday 12th

Busy day again. Still no medical call up paper. Library in evening.

Saturday 13th

Sunday 14th

Monday 15th

Tuesday 16th

Wednesday 17th

Stormy - hoping for fine spell again. Intended to join L.D.V. but have given myself another day. Did a little work in garden but everywhere too wet. Shifted the chickens.

Thursday 18th

Stormy day. We shall soon want it dry again. No scouting as it was too wet.

Friday 19th

Stormy day. Rain at intervals. Busy day. Library in evening. Church Council meeting afterwards. Suggested that we have sheep in churchyard. The organ is to be repaired at cost of £90, also Window Faculty came up again.

Saturday 20th

Busy morning as usual. Mowed lawns etc. and tidied up the Iris border. The plums are coming on well. Not many apples. Potatoes too look excellent.

Sunday 21st

Show’ry day. Communion in morning at 8o/c . Worked in garden in morning. Slept during afternoon. Went to church evening service, and very enjoyable walk afterwards.

Monday 22nd

Nice day. Collected rents etc. in evening. Worked in garden a little then visited tennis players at the Rectory.

Tuesday 23rd

Nice day. Air raids each night somewhere, but we have’nt had any warnings lately. Joined L.D.V. in evening. OK.

Wednesday 24th

Show’ry day. Busy. Met with other members of committee to inspect the churchyard and tower etc. Spent enjoyable evening with them and the Rector and Mr. Eden [builder from Tiffield] inspecting, etc. Pleased.

Thursday 25th

Had letter from Stuart. Hellishly busy at work. Feeling lot better. Went to rifle practice in evening, quite enjoy handling the guns.

Friday 26th

Stormy. Wish the rain would clear off. Heavy storms in evening. Busy Library. Intended to go to bed early, but went on a hire job after 10o/c .

Saturday 27th

Stormy day. Rained very heavily in afternoon so unable to do much in garden, so worked in the church instead – removed seat front to show off tomb more and fixed carving to the wall. Would like to do lots more.

Sunday 28th

Intended to go to Communion but overslept. Lovely day. Went on L.D.V. Parade in morning. Very enjoyable. Had lazy afternoon in garden and evening. Wrote to Cecil, also photographed the “kids” in front of “Snow White” background.

Monday 29th

North westerly wind, Dull. But lovely evening. Busy as usual. Went to tennis in evening. Good crowd. Only had one set as evenings are falling in now.

Tuesday 30th

Could do with some holiday – but nothing mentioned yet. Show’ry, worked in churchyard in evening and watered the paths with weed killer.

Wednesday 31st

Grand day. Cycled to work again. Busy day. L.D.V. inspection in evening. Think I am going to enjoy L.D.V.

August 1940

Thursday 1st

Grand day. Busy. Wish they would get more staff. Apples 1/- per pound. Plums are ripening well. L.D.V. practice in evening. Corn is ripening quickly.

Friday 2nd

Grand day. Very busy. Doc gave me an extra £1. Feel very disgusted with the firm. Library in evening, with first L.D.V. guard duty 8 to10 afterwards. Enjoyed the rounds very much.

Saturday 3rd

Late half-day. Grand day. Mowed lawns etc. and tidied up garden. Mothers cockerels are beginning to crow so their lives will soon be cut off. Feel rather peeved with Seals.

Sunday 4th

Glorious day. Church at 8o/c . On duty at home during the morning. Frank L.D.V. Took the eaters after dinner to Althorpe. Spent enjoyable afternoon walking. Afterwards went to Brington Church. Enjoyed this rather unusual service. Home at 9.30.

Monday 5th

Grand day but rather more heavy than yesterday. Worked on garden entrance and in garden in morning [BANK HOLIDAY]. Enjoyable game of tennis in afternoon. Then went to Northampton barracks for shooting in evening. Rather disappointed in my shooting. (Chapel garden party).

Tuesday 6th

Grand day. Fairly busy at work. Rather dull. Left Reliant at home for repairs. L.D.V. in evening. Rifle drill very enjoyable. R.A.F. Padre stranded with car. Great man. His hero is still Robin Hood.

Wednesday 7th.

Hot day. Busy at Seals. Hoed in garden in evening, then played enjoyable game of tennis at Mrs. Clinch’s until dark. They are thrilled with the Padre at home.

Thursday 8th

Grand day. Had letter from Cecil. Busy at work. Busy in garden in evening. Lovely lot of plums. Have forgotten to pinch the Chrysanthemums for the 2nd time but shall leave them now.

Friday 9th

Grand day. Felt rather peeved with having to do errand boys work. Scouting cooking Tests in evening. 60 German planes brought down in yesterdays raid.

Saturday 10th

Stormy day. Showers. Worked all day. Felt rather peeved. Hurried home. Went to the Flower show for few minutes – then on L.D.V. duty till 10.30. Grand night.

Sunday 11th

Went to church with mother. Had one of the fattened chickens for dinner. Very nice. 56 German planes fetched down.

Monday 12th

Grand day. 60 German planes fetched down. Great work. Roger had day off, very busy. L.D.V. shooting practice at Northampton. Had letter from W. Judkins.

Tuesday 13th

Duller today. Very busy. Roger and Aggie had good row. L.D.V. Parade at night. Watched new R.D.C. Fire engine at work. Extensive Air Raids again. About 78 German planes down. We lost 13. Chicken for supper. “Hurray”.

Wednesday 14th

Grand day. Very Busy. Wish Seals would wake up to the fact of short staff. Good game of tennis in evening. 15 Gerry planes down today. Italy has been well bombed.

Thursday 15th

Grand day. Busy. Left Reliant at home. Big end gone. Fierce fighting in Somaliland. Our men retreating. L.D.V. in evening. 88 “B – Y” German planes down today. “Hurrah”.

Friday 16th

Grand day. 169 planes down yesterday. New errand boy started [Seal’s]. Library in evening. Frank on all night patrol. Ticker felt rather tight today.

Saturday 17th

Grand day. Mary Hollis and family came over to tea so we had a Great picnic on the lawn. Mowed lawns etc. later. Started cutting hedges again. Tomatoes ripening nicely, also plums.

Sunday 18th

Monday 19th

Rather heavy day. 140 planes down yesterday. Went to tennis in evening but owing to bad light and damping was unable to play. Wrote to Walt. Judkins. Gave donation to Spitfire fund. Ron, Edith, Mic and Maggie went to Theatre.

Tuesday 20th

Great excitement in village. Hole in path outside school supposed to be made by unexploded bomb. Dull day. Worked in garden in evening instead of going to L.D.V. Mrs. W. informed me confidentially that a party of Germans had landed in England.

Wednesday 21st

Rough wind but we are pleased with this as it will hamper enemy movements. Bomb still wont go off. Air activity not so much again. Did a little hoeing in the garden. Wind is knocking the fruit about. Browns came.

Thursday 22nd

Full wind Rather chilly. Not much activity last night. Bomb still refuses to go off. Shipping heavily bombarded in channel from French coast. N.B.G. L.D.V. during evening.

Friday 23rd

Cloudy but nice day. Great excitement at home again. A German plane came over low, and machine gunned the station and rather surprised everyone. Library in evening. They have finished decorating church schools. Bomb still silent.

Saturday 24th

Nice day. Pruned rambler roses in afternoon. Was called on duty at 7.30 together with all L.D.V. and A.R.P. to evacuate people and sandbag the bomb in. Worked feverishly till 12 midnight. R.A.F. are coming to do the rest of the work.

Sunday 25th

Ron, Edith & Trevor slept at home [Garage]. Got up at 4.30. R.A.F. boys commenced operations. Removed bomb safely by 8.30 then took it up to the pits and exploded it at 9.20. Everyone very thankful. Frank went shooting. Worked on sandbags in morning. Church in evening. Organ down.

Monday 26th

Grand day. Everyone thankful for bomb clearing up yesterday. On L.D.V. duty till 10o/c. Then watched the Gerry’s firework display till midnight. Heard and felt lots of bombs.

Tuesday 27th

Heard in morning that bombs were nearer than we thought. 7 at Duston, 3 bungalows demolished, also some fell round about Towcester district. Hope they don’t come any nearer. L.D.V. evening preparing range.

Wednesday 28th

Grand day. Had good nights rest Thank God. Busy day at work. Cut hedges in evening. Frank digging potatoes. Flares and planes started again at 10o/c prompt.

Thursday 29th

Stuart Woollacott went back. Nice day. L.D.V. preparing shooting range in evening. Fairly quite night again for which we are very thankful.

Friday 30th

Busy at work. Quiet night again altho’ raids have been round about at Birmingham etc. Library in evening. New books issue. 52 planes down today. “Hurrah”

Saturday 31st

Nice day. Very hot. Intensive raids towards London. Our fighters doing wonderfully well. Worked in garden during afternoon. Hedge clipping. 85 planes down (German) today.

September 1940

Sunday 1st

Lovely Sunday again. “How I do love them”. Glorious day. Went to morning service. Piano still in use. Open air Thanksgiving Service in afternoon. Collected for Spitfire Fund, £5. Painted in evening.

Monday 2nd

Grand day after a peaceful night. Had good game of tennis in evening. Just got to bed when 5 bombs were dropped near Collingtree, so we all got up till midnight. Busy aircraft evening. Bombs all around.

Tuesday 3rd

50 German planes down yesterday. Lovely hot day. Do not feel too tired after yesterdays night up. Very busy day at work. Took Sheila to Dr. Burgess in evening. Dorothy, Robin and Sheila came round to sleep at home [Ralphs family at the Nook].

Wednesday 4th

Very hot and dry. Peaceful night again. The Nook people came along at night again. L.D.V. at night.

Thursday 5th

Grand day. Last night was a very quite night. Slept along at Stoneacre [Ron in hospital]. Raiders very busy. 48 German planes down today.

Friday 6th

Peaceful night again. Grand day. Slept at Stoneacre again. Nook party slept at home again.

Saturday 7th

Grand day. 46 planes down yesterday. We lost 6 pilots. Bigger raid on London today. Worked late. Slept at Stoneacre again.

Sunday 8th

Grand day. 103 enemy planes down yesterday but the ones that got through did London a good piece of damage. Good joint church parade in afternoon. National day of prayer. Organ ready for use. Enjoyable church service in evening.

Monday 9th

Great day again. London again had an extensive raid. Must pray for all the Londoners and ourselves. Very enjoyable evening organ recital by Mr. Chapman at Church. Nook slept at home again.

Tuesday 10th

Peaceful night. London has had another raid and is getting quite knocked about again. Frank is getting on with potato digging. Mothers institute potatoes are 56 lbs from 3 potatoes.

Wednesday 11th

Quiet night. Poor old London had another good Raid again. Bomb drops on Buckingham Palace, also Madame Tussauds etc. We have given Berlin a jolly good tanking too.

Thursday 12th

89 Enemy planes down yesterday. Grand day after quiet night. On Home Guard duty ‘till midnight. East coast area being evacuated in preparation for the invasion.

Friday 13th

Peaceful night again. Grand day. Showers at night. Everywhere very dry. No evacuees turned up yet. No library on account of Troops Fund Whist drive.

Saturday 14th

Westerly wind but grand day. Cycled with Scouts to Sulgrave in afternoon. Had very enjoyable time. London raided again last night. Buckingham Palace bombed.

Sunday 15th

Change of weather. Showery. 8o/c Communion. L.D.V. Shooting in morning. Chicken for dinner. Took part in Home Guard parade to Milton in evening. Very enjoyable service. Busy R.A.F. day. [After war “Battle of Britain Day”]

Monday 16th

185 Gerry planes down yesterday. Best ever. We lost 25 – and 13 pilots. Showery most of day. Felt rather tired.

Tuesday 17th

Very rough wind. Hope it blows all Hitler’s boats about. Frank on all night Home Guard. Poor old London still has heavy bombing. Nice peaceful night again.

Wednesday 18th

Dull morning but cleared up later. R.A.F. have busy day. London bombed again during night. Home Guard in evening. Drew 3/- for helping with the bomb extraction. Dorothy got a nice plaice and chips supper.

Thursday 19th

Cloudy but nice day. London has again been visited. Evacuees coming out of London. Duty night for me on Home guard, quite enjoyable, but uneventful. 8 – 6.

Friday 20th

Grand day. Poor old London has had another fierce night. We were lucky again. Feel rather tired after last night. Library in evening. Have got slight cold.

Saturday 21st

Grand day. Very busy at Depot. Hurried home for shooting practice. Not too pleased with myself. Mowed lawns etc. afterwards. Helped decorate church and polished the wall brasses. Very enjoyable.

Sunday 22nd

Show’ry day. HARVEST FESTIVAL. Church In morning. Grand service. Lazy afternoon. Scout parade to church in evening. Rain in evening. Grand day altogether.

Monday 23rd

Grand day. Very busy at work. Wish we hadn’t got the old konk. Rent collecting in evening. London again had raids last night. Children evacuee ship sunk [“City of Benares”, 7 children saved out of 90 on board.].

Tuesday 24th

Grand day. Gen. De Gaulle and Co. go to Dakar. Hope they succeed. London evacuees have been rolling through in buses. Had half-day. Removed plants from church.

Wednesday 25th

Grand day. Gerry had busy night again on London etc. Went to Towcester in evening to start on Lewis Gun course.

Thursday 26th

Grand day. Very busy. Dakar stunt fails. Towcester again in evening. Gerry planes around again during evening – dropping a few eggs around. Pury End bombed [landmine, heard as a very loud bang at Blisworth].

Friday 27th

Grand day. Hellishly busy at work. They are suggesting rise increase. Library in evening. Home Guard in evening 10 – 5. Looks like being a wet night. Back aches rather. Must go down to Doctor first moment I get.

Saturday 28th

124 planes down yesterday. Good old R.A.F. Busy day but felt rather tired. Worked all day. Cold wind but nice day.

Sunday 29th

Frank went to London. Nice day but cold wind. Spent lazy day. Went with scouts to Chapel in evening. Altogether a grand day but much too short.

Monday 30th

Nice day but still cold wind. London raids still continue but we keep giving Gerry ports smashing blows. Intended going down to the Doctor in evening but got out of it again.

October 1940

Tuesday 1st

Poor old London still getting heavy raids, evacuation goes on. Nights are now dropping in sharply.

Wednesday 2nd

Nice day. Homeguard in evening.

Thursday 3rd

Cloudy day. Lone raiders did quite a bit of damage around. Rushden had a visit – 7 children and others killed. Busy day. Spent quiet evening at home.

Friday 4th

Dull and stormy. Much welcome rain. Enjoyable library in evening.

Saturday 5th

Windy and dull day. Ron went to London again. Altogether a very busy day. Commenced getting plants into greenhouse. The Azaleas are looking very well. No bulbs can be bought so we shall have to make old ones do.

Sunday 6th

Dull, Windy and Rain. Busy morning at Garage. Went to church in morning. Short ride in afternoon. Worked on home guard competition in evening.

Monday 7th

Tuesday 8th

High wind and stormy. Bombs at Finedon. Trains all running late.

Wednesday 9th

Strong rain in high wind. Managed to get 1lb of margarine 9d. Butter ration now only 2 ozs per head. Home Guard lecture in evening.

Thursday 10th

Nice day, high wind. London’s raid longest of the war. St. Pauls receives direct hit. Went to Home Guard. Active in evening again.

Friday 11th

Stormy day. Navy bombarded Cherbourg. Library in evening. Home Guard afterwards and good chicken supper later, then bed.

Saturday 12th

Grand day. Sharp frost last night but have got more of the stuff in G/house. Finished getting Chrysanthemums in. Quite an enjoyable day.

Sunday 13th

Grand day. Went to Wootton Home Guard in morning on Lewis Gun Firing. Spent quiet afternoon. Church in evening. Princess Elizabeth spoke on Radio for first time.

Monday 14th

On Duty 3½ [hrs] during night. All quiet. Grand night altho’ rain is imminent.

Tuesday 15th

Bombers around in evening. Nothing too alarming. Home Guard in evening. Issued with spats.

Wednesday 16th

Nice day but wet evening. Cycled home. Quiet evening at home preparing for scouting tomorrow.

Thursday 17th

Wet day again. No scouting yet so spent the at evening at home, writing etc. London gets the raiders still.

Friday 18th

Stormy and rainy. Busy at Seals owing to purchase tax coming on Goods next week. Library in evening. Aggie, Roger & Eddie had “glorious” row [Russell Seals}.

Saturday 19th

Nice day. Very busy at Seals. Worked all day to enable Eddie to fetch Noel home. Bought a pheasant, also some new shoes 16/6.

Sunday 20th

Grand day after quiet night altho’ London suffered bad raids. Home Guard field exercises in morning. Frank went to London. Quiet evening as Church evening service is in afternoon [presumably because of blackout].

Monday 21st

Wet morning but cleared later. Feel almost like saying “Wish we were’nt so Bloody Busy at work” but must stick it. Wish they were not so busy at home too. Rent night. Coventry looks as tho’ she is having it badly tonight. The siren went at dinner time in Northampton today.

Tuesday 22nd

Dull, foggy evening. Busy at work preparing blackout. Had a bomber visit us at 9.10 [p.m.]. Few H.E.’s dropped at the Arm, also a whole lot (dozens) of incendiary ones scattered on Mill end of the fields. No damage.

Wednesday 23rd

Dull day but brighter evening. Foggy. Ron fetched Aunt Loue and Edna and “Coco” down [From London, “Coco’ was the parrot]. Have all swopped bedrooms. Do hope all things go well for them.

Thursday 24th

Grand day after rude awakening. H.E. bombs dropped at 5 mins to seven on the Milton-Blisworth boundary [One a little way to left of main road just before the short hill into Milton]. Very thankful nothing worse. Commenced scouting again.

Friday 25th

Grand day. Library in evening. Good batch of parachute flares in evening. Rather put the wind up us all, but nothing worse happened.

Saturday 26th

Grand day but blasted well had to work all day, for Eddie fetched Noel back again. Had hair cut in evening. Cycled home for a change.

Sunday 27th

Had disturbed night with hire job. Evacuee, Italian, no where to go. Did a little gardening in morning. Went down to Andover in afternoon to take Noel back. Very enjoyable run. Enjoyable evening at home.

Monday 28th

Fair day. Italy and Greece have started offensives. Do hope we can give Italy a darned good hiding this time. A few bumps in the evening but nothing too near.

Tuesday 29th

Nice day but rather cold. Quiet night last night. Home Guard in evening but rather cold. Shall really have to go to see the doctor before long. Bangs and bumps started about 7.30 and continued through night.

Wednesday 30th

Rather windy. Trying to rain. In evening. 30 planes down yesterday much to our pleasure. Hope we are in for a peaceful night altho’ 2 bombs were heard at 8o/c .

Thursday 31st

Dull windy and show’ry. Had busy day at work fixing blackout. Not much news from the Greek front. Also better news of our night defences. Scouting in evening.

November 1940

Friday 1st

Fair day, mild. Have slipped going to the doctors again but really must go next week. Oil bombs and others dropped at Duston again at 8o/c (after library) but quiet night.

Saturday 2nd

Dull day. Rain and wind later. Worked ‘till 4o/c again. We hope this does’nt get too regular. Bill and Frank very busy at home. Enjoyed our Saturday night glass of sherry with Auntie and Edna. Shall have to make this a habit, funds permitting.

Sunday 3rd

Dull morning. Wet afternoon and evening. Busy Home Guard morning Inspection and route march – but oh! my poor feet. Church in afternoon, and then played with Coco afterwards but got one or two bites.

Monday 4th

Rained and blowed. Had disturbed night again, knocked up at 1.30 to go to town. Renting in evening.

Tuesday 4th

Rained and blowed all day. Busy day. Home Guard in evening. Enjoyable evening.

Wednesday 6th

Rained like ‘ell all day again. Bombs dropped about 6.30 in evening but nothing disturbing later. Frank, Dorothy and Edna went to Savoy.

Thursday 7th

Grand day. Last nights bombs dropped on Courteenhall boundary. Busy day. Eddie took the crowd to see Bernard. Scouting in evening. Enjoyable supper.

Friday 8th

Dull and stormy. Greeks still holding out against Italy. “Nasty” doing his stuff during evening. Enjoyable Library. I find the people very interesting.

Saturday 9th

Dull morning spreading to rain during the rest of the day. Had half day for a change. Helped during afternoon with petrol etc.

Sunday 10th

Very stormy. Rain and high wind. Worked in garden in morning, put a few bulbs in but rain stopped operations. Remembrance day service in afternoon, went with Home Guard. Frank ill in evening. Hope he is better soon. Quiet evening.

Monday 11th

Armistice day but no ceremony. Stormy and wet. Frank somewhat better. Quiet evening at home. Italian navy has had a damned good smashing.

Tuesday 12th

Dull day. Busy at work. Home guard lecture in evening by an A.F.S. man who had visited the London fires. Peaceful night. Greeks still doing wonderfully well.

Wednesday 13th

Rain again after very cold and frosty night. Church Council meeting at night. Faculty for stained glass window is now complete. Organ renovation fund was subscribed 10/- over.

Thursday 14th

Dull to stormy day. Busy at work. Home Guard Social in evening – not too successful owing to evening air disturbances. Slept round at Dorothy’s [Ralph’s wife].

Friday 15th

Stormy day after frosty night. Very disturbed night again, slept at Dorothy’s. 7 bombs dropped from Semple’s [farm near Stoke Rd. and Knock Lane junction] to Bill’s house [Stone Steps, Towcester Road] but thank God nothing worse. Coventry smashed during an all night raid. Library in evening.

Saturday 16th

Nice day but worked ‘till 5o/c unfortunately. Enjoyed pork pie tea. Window rattled well at 7o/c the blighters. Very disturbed night again last night but very Thankful that we are all safe. Helped with hire work in evening.

Sunday 17th

Grand day after peaceful night. Started off to Cambridge with passenger at 9 0/C . Spent very enjoyable day at Little Eversden arrived home safely 6.45.

Monday 18th

Rain and wind all day. Not too busy at work. Rent collecting in evening, and slept in my own bed for once.

Tuesday 19th

Slept in peace during night. Went to Coventry with Miss Green – words cannot describe the devastation. “Poor old Coventry”. Enemy planes commenced coming over early and continued every minute during night [referring to raid of the 15th]. Slept at Nook.

Wednesday 20th

Very thankful for save deliverance thro’ the past night. Birmingham and Leicester heavily visited. Bright day. Terrific barrage commenced about 7.30. Do hope we have more peaceful night.

Thursday 21st

Disturbed night but all safe and sound. Slept at the Nook. Rain again. Scouting in evening altho’ not many turned out owing to enemy disturbances.

Friday 22nd

Altho’ rainy night we had fairly peaceful one altho’ 7 bombs were dropped at Roade at 5.15 which of course woke us up. Slight damage done. Library in evening. Slept at home.

Saturday 23rd

Grand day after peaceful night altho’ sirens went in N’pton early. Worked all day again blast it. Had enjoyable birthday party in evening but sorry we could not ask all the family.

Sunday 24th

Grand day. Got up late after very peaceful and quiet night for which we Thank God. Had busy morning at home in garden, put more bulbs in and commenced tidying up. Went down to Andover in afternoon, got back at 7.30.

Monday 25th

Cold night but very quiet, for which we are truly Thankful. Felt rather tired after busy day yesterday. Spent evening at home.

Tuesday 26th

Another peaceful night “Thank God”. Bought some Savings Certificates in Northampton in connection with War Weapons Week. Home Guard meeting in evening. Cold and frosty. Ralph comes home each evening so am relieved of going to the Nook.

Wednesday 27th

Frosty and peaceful night, not a single plane heard all night. Went up the Hotel at night with Dick Caesar, spent very enjoyable time.

Thursday 28th

Grand day after very peaceful night. Busy day. As I now write enemy planes are continuously going overhead on their evil mission. I pray God to spare us and to comfort all those in need.

Friday 29th

Quiet evening. Busy day. Frosty. Very cold. Mr. Woolacott and myself gave talk at Station Home Guard section in evening. Raids still busy at nights but not around here.

Saturday 30th

Grand day. Busy morning. Half-day for a change. Tidied up etc. Helped with hire work later. Slightly frosty for gardening.

December 1940

Sunday 1st

Peaceful night. Got up and went to Communion at 8.30. Then busy morning march with Home Guard. Good dinner then spot of work in garden. Grand day. Quiet evening at home.

Monday 2nd

Quiet night Thank God – not too busy a day. Rent collecting in evening also visit to the rectory on social business. Greeks still continue push. Southampton again visited.

Tuesday 3rd

MISS ALLITT knocked down and killed on Wellingborough Road this morning [owner of Russell Seals?]. Great shock to us all, but carried on at shop as best we could – shall have to wait and see results.

Wednesday 4th

Day of phoning; comings and goings at depot. Noel and Ro turned up. “Doc” still carrying on at Taylors so far managed very well today. Wrote to Henry. “Gerry” continually coming over in evening.

Thursday 5th

Rather noisy night but all safe and sound. Busy day. NO Scouting in evening. Had a hire trip in middle of night.

Friday 6th

Terrifically rough wind. Very cold. Wondering if we are to go to the funeral tomorrow. Spent very enjoyable evening at the Rectory at Fellowship Social.

Saturday 7th

Cold but nice day. Miss. A’s Funeral but we kept open rather to our disgust. Cecil came home. Spent very enjoyable ½ day in garden tidying etc. Bristol again raided.

Sunday 8th

Grand day after peaceful night. Home Guard in morning and gardened in afternoon. Went to Rectory in evening, carol practice. Very enjoyable Sunday. “Thank God”.

Monday 9th

Peaceful night for us but heavy raid on London again. Busy day at work. “Doc” still comes down each evening. Enjoyed bath at Rons. 9o/c news told us of commencement of hostilities in Egypt.

Tuesday 10th

Peaceful night. Rather stormy. Greeks are still pushing the Italians out of Albania well. Went to very interesting lecture (Home Guard) in evening.

Wednesday 11th

Severe frost last night. Cycled to work. Very busy day. Battle in Egypt continues well. 20,000 prisoners now taken by us. Spent enjoyable evening with Cecil, Savoy then good supper at Black Boy.

Thursday 12th

Spent disturbed night at Cecil’s house. Sirens went twice. Planes over continually. Very thankful nothing worse. Busy day at work. Very cold and frosty. Full moon tomorrow [Bombers Moon]. Church Sale – did very good. 8.20, bombs falling as I write this.

Friday 13th

Stiff frost, roads treacherous. Our troops busy chasing Italians out of Egypt. 30,000 prisoners now. Hope they can keep it up – in fact I‘m sure they can. Library in evening.

Saturday 14th

Cold night turning to rain at midday. Nice quiet night again. Busy at work. Cecil went back. Tidied up greenhouse etc. Helped with hire work in evening then sherry supper and bed.

Sunday 15th

Peaceful night. Late getting up. Spent part morning in garden then went to Church. Chicken for dinner. Shifted shrubs in afternoon and planted golden privet around well. 7.30 Enemy planes continually going over. Guns in action.

Monday 16th

Bitter cold night. After uneventful night. Busy day – must do some Xmas shopping. Wrote some cards in evening. Mother went to town. NO more oranges and bananas for time being. 23 of our ships sunk last week.

Tuesday 17th

Cold morning after peaceful night. Our troops pushing on well in Egypt. Dorothy iced cake in evening. Ralph came round for glass of sherry.

Wednesday 18th

Cold morning. No raids on England during night. Oranges and bananas getting almost unobtainable. Wrote Xmas cards and letters in evening. Wrote to Stuart. Am developing Christmas fever now.

Thursday 19th

Silent night again. Cold day, wet evening. Our troops and the Greeks continue to push on steadily. Pleasant evening at home. Dorothy ironing her dance frock in readiness for tomorrow.

Friday 20th

Trying to remember what has happened. Went to enjoyable dance at Hotel in evening (Home Guard) with Miss Thomas[school teacher], Frank and Dorothy. Pickle onion supper afterwards “Good”.

Saturday 21st

Bitter east wind blowing but all high and dry. Busy morning. Met Edna and went to Savoy in afternoon. Enjoyable picture “George and Margaret”. Nazis busy overhead in evening. Two bombs on N’pton LMS Goods Yard. Shops almost empty of sweets.

Sunday 22nd

Still bitter east wind. Did various odd jobs in morning. Good dinner. Church in afternoon. Went to Rectory in evening. Noisy night. Nazis passing over – few bumps and flares. Dorothy busy packing parcels.

Monday 23rd

Safely thro’ the night. Am developing Christmas fever now. Shops all getting very empty. Raiders over again at night. Manchester and Liverpool again.

Tuesday 24th

Grand day and busy. No raiders. Busy evening tidying up. Do hope and pray we have Peaceful Christmas. Think I have now bought all the presents.

Wednesday 25th

“Glory to God in the Highest and in earth Peace” [CHRISTMAS DAY] so do we pray. Communion at 8.30 owing to blackout. Peaceful night. Busy morning. Grand dinner party. Mother, Frank, Dorothy, Aunt, Edna, myself and EDWIN. NOOK came to. Enjoyable tea. Spent very enjoyable evening.

Thursday 26th

No nazi raiders over during yesterday again or night. Helped with driving. Lovely cold lunch. Busy afternoon in garden, put scilla bulbs in. Mild weather. The Faulkner family came over for tea and evening, very enjoyable.

Friday 27th

Nice day. Peaceful night altho’ Frank had to go up to Aylesbury in night. Had fairly busy day at work. Things look somewhat better to us during new year. Really ought to go to Doctor about my “ticker”. Went to party at Rectory. Very enjoyable time.

Saturday 28th

Grand day after another peaceful night altho’ London was again Raided. Rather tired after Rectory party. Worked all day. Doc promised increase in wages. Enjoyable evening at home.

Sunday 29th

Grand day after peaceful night. Went to Home Guard Lecture etc. in Northampton in morning. Chicken for lunch again “Ye Gods”. Church in afternoon. Tea alone. Aunty and Edna went to Rons to tea. Frank, Grannie and Dorothy and Edwin went to Bills to tea.

Monday 30th

Terrible night for London. Incendiaries only causing great fires to Guildhall and churches and many important buildings. Had delicious salad for supper. Have orders to cut down bread-cheese consumption.

Tuesday 31st

Peaceful night. Busy day. Helped driving in evening, also did job after midnight from hotel. Saw New Year in at home. Quiet.

January 1941

Wednesday 1st

Got up late – rather bad start after peaceful night for all the country, but was tired thro’ staying up late last night. Bussed to work.

Thursday 2nd

Cold and peaceful night. Snow fell early morning making roads very bad, freezing all day. Raid on South Wales. (Cheese and meat ration reduced).

Friday 3rd

Bitterly cold night. Roads treacherous. Busy at work. Library in evening. No more snow. Plenty of planes about which is rather surprising owing to severe weather. Spent pleasant evening at home. Had 10/- Rise.

Saturday 4th

Frosty and cold night. Bristol again bombed. Raider busy night overhead. Bussed again. Did odd jobs in afternoon. Stayed at home all evening.

Sunday 5th

Still freezing. No more snow. Joined in enjoyable Home Guard exercise in morning. Church in afternoon. Shall really have to propose stripping plaster off church walls. I am sure they would look much better. Grand day altogether.

Monday 6th

Quiet night but bitter east wind. BARDIA captured together with 30,000 prisoners. Hurrah!! Spent lazy evening at home and had enjoyable supper.

Tuesday 7th

Quiet night but still bitterly cold and more snow. Went on bus to work. Busy day. Home Guard in evening. Must really go and see the Doctor. Cheese likely to be rationed.

Wednesday 8th

Bitterly cold but snow going. Another peaceful night. Went up to Vernons in evening to arrange about stakes for church-yard sheep pen. BADEN POWELL DIED, 83.

Thursday 9th

Frosty, no more snow. Peaceful night. Firm had enquiry from Labour asking about my job – so it looks as tho’ they are on my track at last. Went to ARP meeting at night on fire bomb fighting. Raider over early.

Friday 10th

Bitterly cold. Snow nearly gone. Disturbed night. Put two stranded R.A.F. boys up last night. They amused us with their stories. Our R.A.F. gave the Gerrys a surprise daylight raid. Very successful. Library in evening. Fire watchers commenced duty’s.

Saturday 11th

Peaceful night. Darned cold this. Cecil popped in and gave me an R.A.F. jumper. Ron went to London. Had busy afternoon in church-yard preparing for the sheep. Hope the idea works all right. Helped with hire work later then spent lazy evening at home. Back ache like ‘ell.

Sunday 12th

Peaceful night altho’ London was badly visited. Went to Communion. Home Guard later. Partridge – Burgundy for dinner. Scout parade in afternoon to church memorial service to Scout Chief – Good turnout. Went to Bills to tea and supper.

Monday 13th

Quiet night for us again. Got up rather late, must try and get up earlier. Do wish I could pluck up and go and see the Doctor. Have been thinking a lot today about recording the chief points of the church. Fire fighting meeting at night.

Tuesday 14th

Peaceful night for us again. Not much news coming thro’ from Egypt. Busy day. Interesting Home Guard talk in evening on Dunkirk etc. Helped with hire work later. Lousy night starting to snow. Spent early evening at Ron’s.

Wednesday 15th

Peaceful night. Snow fell again. Frosty morning. Roads very treacherous. Went to Exchange to tea and pictures with Henry. Very enjoyable evening. Bombs dropped rather too close at 9.15 damaging St. Andrews hospital.

Thursday 16th

Peaceful night after all. Bitterly cold wind. Went to Home Guard party in evening – “too much spent on beer”.

Friday 17th

Another quiet night. Started snowing, enough to make roads nasty. Library in evening. Kippers for supper. Mr. Lunn [The Rector] ill in bed.

Saturday 18th

Still bitterly cold. Snow fell all day. Ron went down to Bournemouth. Hope he gets on OK. Unable to do any work outside. Have got funny throat coming. Spent evening indoors. Roads not too good.

Sunday 19th

Not much more snow but freezing. Roads very treacherous. Late getting up. Church in morning. Walk before dinner with Edna. Pleasant afternoon at home reading etc. Tea alone with Edna. Ron safely home. Then Fire watching duty 8-12. Warning 9-10 then all quiet.

Monday 20th

Late getting up. Lousy morning. Rain, sleet and cold all day. Snow slowly going. Bus rather late in getting home but spent pleasant evening writing etc. All quiet. Hitler and Musso talk over invasion business.

Tuesday 21st

Rained most of day. Roads in terrible mess but snow going fast. Feel again as tho’ I ought to join up. Home Guard but have got to punch our drill up. Enjoyable supper afterwards.

Wednesday 22nd

Snow going fast, mild afternoon. TOBRUCK FALLS. Aunty spoke of going home next week. Shall be sorry to lose them. Dorothy not too well so we packed her off to bed early. Ron brought me home. Rather peeved with 34 [Russel Seals]. Started scout album.

Thursday 23rd

Peaceful night but foggy day. Aussies doing some fine work in Egypt. Auntie fixed up for going back next Tuesday. Number of mystery men surveying the high ground between Blisworth and Roade. [There was an air observation post about there]. Spent quiet evening.

Friday 24th

Muggy day. Roger not well so Dawkie and I had 34 on our own. Trouble brewing in Roumania. Still scheming and dreaming of renovations. Library in evening. Enjoyable evening at home afterwards.

Saturday 25th

Quiet night. Started to snow again midday. Busy hire day at home. Helped during afternoon. Afterwards gave a hand at evacuees party in “Lecture Hall”. Read most of evening. Glass of sherry before supper.

Sunday 26th

Rather late getting up. Went on H.G.Parade in morning. Glass of sherry with Auntie and Edna before dinner. Good dinner “thanks to Dorothy”. Church in afternoon. Mother came along to tea. Rector still in bed. Enjoyable evening at home. Worked on photo album.

Monday 27th

Still another quiet night but lousy day afterwards. Bitterly cold and rainy. Aunty and Edna busy preparing for tomorrow. There are about 60 evacuee children now in village. Poultry has been officially priced now up to 2/4 lb. Wilkie has arrived and it looks as if we have found a good pal.

Tuesday 28th

Dull day but not so cold. Ron took Aunt L. and Edna back home, but sorry to say London had its first daylight raid for over a week. NOT a nice welcome for them. Went to Home Guard in evening. Germans are giving more help daily to Italy [Rommel & Africa Corps]. Firm appealed for me to military people.

Wednesday 29th

Quiet night for us but London raids have started again. Derna fall to our troops. In the evening went down to see the Rector for an interesting 1½ hours then went to see them at “Stoneacre”. Poached eggs and tea for supper “Great”.

Thursday 30th

Rather late getting up again. Busy day at work. Got home early. Worked and read for the rest of the evening. Had decided to go to the Doctor tonight but slacking again.

Friday 31st

Dull and cold. Just remembered re visit to Rector I mentioned restoring the door on the Aumbry and he said such could never be as it would only be suggesting and preparing the way for reservation of sacrament as before. Seems rather “double dutch” to me. Library in evening.

February 1941

Saturday 1st

Grand day. The sun is coming at last. Worked in garden tidying up in afternoon. Aconites and s/drops through. After tea had bath then went down to the rectory to enjoyable evening. Stayed rather late.

Sunday 2nd

Late in getting up. Went of [to] firing practice at Milton in the morning, very enjoyable. Nice dinner. Then lazy afternoon and evening. Very enjoyable. Had tea alone. Worked on photo album in evening. Ralph came round for his glass of sherry. Good”

Monday 3rd

Quiet night. Bitter cold and dull. Rang up Doctor and fixed up appointment for evening. Went down for examination but nothing worse than a crack. Have to go on Epson salts and Paraffin 3 times a day – not so good.

Tuesday 4th

Started on treatment. Dull and Cold. Went to Home Guard in evening. Hire job afterwards. Noisy night for a change. Late to bed as usual.

Wednesday 5th

Raider fetched down at Weldon. Bitterly cold day. Errand boy ill so had extra work to do. Received parcel from Cecil. On Fire watching 8-12 in evening but snowed all the time, looks like being quite deep. Wrote to Cecil. Beginning to feel much better already.

Thursday 6th

Must have snowed all night. Quite deep, but sun shone and snow went very quickly. Felt just a little tired. Brought a dollop of herrings home. Had grand supper of them. Missed bus so walked home, quite enjoyable.

Friday 7th

Snow gone. Nicer day. Busy at work. Thinking about selling a sovereign, now 38/-. Library in evening. Then glass of sherry with Mrs. Woolacott and Dorothy before supper.

Saturday 8th

Mild but windy. Grand day. Usual busy morning. Half day. Worked in church yard in afternoon. Started fetching ivy off the tombs. Worked in garden afterwards. Aconites thro’. Polished pewter and buttons in evening. Enjoyable day.

Sunday 9th

Dull morning. Mild turning to rain later. Busy Home Guard morning. Practised firing at a dive bomber. Very Good. Came home very tired but had excellent dinner of Hare and 2 glasses of Burgundy. Went to church in afternoon. Sat in choir. Mother came to tea. Lazy evening writing and reading. Very nice.

Monday 10th

Grand day. We all feel very bucked after Churchill’s speech last night. “Doc” came to 34 and spent whole first day. Hope things will be better now. Wrote to Mabel Henney and sent her few chocs. Grand supper of herrings. Then good old bed.

Tuesday 11th

Spot of bother stirring up in Roumania. Usual day at depot. Went to hurried Home Guard lecture at Milton in evening – and marched home again – OH!! My poor feet. Navy bombarded Genoa and Ostend.

Wednesday 12th

Still night followed by pleasant day. Settling down at no 34 now with Doc. Spent usual enjoyable evening at home altho’ Frank tried to upset it by getting his hand caught under a car. Not too serious.

Thursday 13th

Pleasant day. Grand to see the sun. Hitler, Musso and Franco talk together. What next? Visited the Rectory in the evening. Rev. Lunn still in bed but getting on well. Had dinner later instead of midday. Very nice. Then work on photo album later.

Friday 14th

Quiet night. Awaiting events in the Balkans. We dropped parachute troops in Southern Italy. Library in evening. Heard first bomb for a long time at 9.15 – but nothing worse. Quiet for rest of night.

Saturday 15th

Grand morning. Stormy afternoon and evening. Very busy morning at work. Went to Vic Faulkner’s wedding at Alderton in the afternoon. Very pleasant. Helped with the Hire work in evening. Late going to bed. Frank on fire-watching.

Sunday 16th

Up at 9.15. Hurried breakfast. Then Home Guard till midday. Spot of hire work before dinner. Good dinner. Frank took Vic back to Tidworth. Lazy afternoon. Helped driving in evening. Early supper with Frank and early to bed.

Monday 17th

Dull morning but cleared up later. Papers full of Balkan movements. Busy day at work. Bus home. Wrote letter to Cecil. Helped Dorothy with marmalade preparations. So to bed.

Tuesday 18th

Quiet night. Had surprise letter and packet from Sheila Cozens which included some new Chrysanthemums. Dull day. Read a little then went to Home Guard later. London had more extensive raids last night than of late.

Wednesday 19th

Dull and Cold. Snowed a little. Bill and the Garage are terrifically busy. Stayed in Northampton and went to Exchange in evening to see “Foreign Correspondent”. Very good picture. Now awaiting next war developments.

Thursday 20th

Snow again during the night and during the day. Dull and cold. Still bussing to work. Home during evening. Popped over to Woolacott’s. Wrote to cousin Sheila.

Friday 21st

Dull and darned cold. Busy at work but like it much better with Mr. Allitt. Had letter from Henry. Library in evening. Frank has got jaw ache badly. Quiet night.

Saturday 22nd

Frosty night but Grand day. Errand boy finished today. Grand ½ day at home. Took Chrysanthemum cuttings, tidied up the G’house in general. Worked in churchyard afterwards removing ivy. Tea, then helped with hire work.

Sunday 23rd

Quiet night. Grand day. Frank started digging. Went on Home Guard in morning. Church in afternoon. Rev. Lunn back again. Mrs Woolacott gave me a pair of budgies. Do hope I manage to feed them OK. Went to tea at “Stoneacre”, very enjoyable. Altogether very grand day.

Monday 24th

Frosty night. Grand day. Usual Monday at work but conditions are much better now. Fire-watching duty 8-12 but all quiet. Had letter from Henry. Stuart Woolacott’s 21st birthday, do hope he gets home.

Tuesday 25th

Frosty night again but another Grand day. Home Guard in evening. Frank had some teeth out. Stuart Woolacott came home for 7 days.

Wednesday 26th

Cold night but bright and pleasant day. Busy as usual. Managed to get some bird seed, chocs, and cheese today. Dorothy again marmalade making. Spent evening writing etc.

Thursday 27th

Quiet night again. Waiting flare up in the Balkans. Nice day. Spring is not far now ahead. Its nice to get home and enjoy walk around the garden in the evenings. Aconites looking grand. Budgies doing well.

Friday 28th

Quiet night for us but bad for southern England. Grand day. Enjoyed ride in morning in Vauxhall. Very busy day. Library in evening. Lent Miss Thomas “Gone with the Wind’. The garden begins to look cheerful.

March 1941

Saturday 1st

Grand day. “March in like a lion”. Hellishly busy at work, finished late. Did a spot of clearing up in garden also in churchyard. Should like a week to do some of the jobs. Frank busy manuring the garden. Pleasant evening at home. Frank on Home Guard duty. Bought a clock.

Sunday 2nd

Grand day. Up early. Pork pie breakfast. Spent morning on range at Milton with Lewis Gun. Home hungry and tired for dinner. Lazy afternoon. Church in evening. 6o/c again. Had pleasant little supper party afterwards to which Stuart and Mary came to celebrate his 21st. Tiny run over[dog].

Monday 3rd

Peaceful night. Grand day. Shall have to start gardening in full force soon – it’s light until 7o/c now. Poor old Tiny was sent to his other hunting ground. Very sorry to lose him. Wrote to Cecil in evening.

Tuesday 4th

Grand day. Took car to work with me. Wales suffered from raids last night. Mother and Mrs. Carey have both got a touch of flue. Gave them and Dorothy each a bottle of Buckfast wine. Homeguard in evening.

Wednesday 5th

Grand day again. Went on bus to work. Shall have to soon get cycle out. Managed to get a bit more chocolate. Ron brought me home. Budgies doing well. Shall soon have to start on garden in evenings. Did a spot of Lewis gun practice in evening.

Thursday 6th

Grand day. Looks promising for week end gardening. Reliant packed up. Went to interesting lecture on gardening and formation of a garden club in evening. The birds are still doing well.

Friday 7th

Snowed all day. Very disappointing. Busy as usual. Sirens went in afternoon but nothing happened. Pleasantly surprised to get another rise (2/6). Library in evening. Glass of sherry afterwards. Wrote to Henry.

Saturday 8th

Dull morning. Usual busy morning at Seals. Cecil came home on 7 days. Home on 2o/c bus. Worked in garden tidying up in general, but too wet to do much on garden. Went along to Ron’s for enjoyable evening at cards.

Sunday 9th

London had heavy raid last night. Dull but pleasant morning. Went to 8o/c church. Good breakfast – then on Home Guard exercise – good fun. Enjoyed good dinner. Worked in garden in afternoon. Altered path. Pleasant evening writing and reading. Started to snow at tea time.

Monday 10th

Heavy snow during night and morning. Heavy raids on London again. Cleared up nicely in afternoon – snow vanished quickly. New errand boy started. Looks good lad. Budgies fed off my hand which pleased me much. Pleasant evening at home. I thank God daily for all the blessings I receive.

Tuesday 11th

Grand morning although’ east wind. Our shipping losses rather heavy again. Very busy at 34. Missed bus so walked home. Very tired when I got home but soon warmed up again. Spent rest of evening at home – Good supper and so to bed.

Wednesday 12th

Rather noisy night but no bombs nearer than Clipston. Grand day altho’ cold wind. Frank went to dentists again. Boiling chickens now 1/10 per pound. Jam etc. to be rationed.

Thursday 13th

Raidy night again – moon full – nights are grand. We did biggest raid on Berlin and Germany – Good old R.A.F. Spent lazy night at home. R.A.F. and Greeks doing grand in Albania.

Friday 14th

Raidy night. Record broken fetched 13 raiders down during night. Grand day. Spring is certainly in the air. Frank on Fire watching at night. Library as usual. Altogether very pleasant day.

Saturday 15th

Raidy night. We fetched 5 down during night. Grand day. Busy at 34. Grand ½ day at home. Tidied up and started re-planting flower border. Frank started on onion bed. Birds busy especially black-birds. 2 bombs at Stoke at 9.15.

Sunday 16th

Nothing further happened after bombs last night. Grand day. Home Guard in morning. Gardened after dinner. Pruned pear tree on house. Church in evening “How lovely the Church looks”. Wish I could do more for it.

Monday 17th

Started cycling to work, rather hard work tho’. Grand day. Rent in evening. Crocus look grand in garden. Did a little more to path making in evening.

Tuesday 18th

Our troops moving well in Abyssinia. Greeks pushing on in Albania. Helped with hire work in evening. Went to Wakefield [Lodge?] Raiders evening.

Wednesday 19th

Peaceful night for us again. Foggy morning but nice day later. Had gloves and chocs stolen from off my cycle. Rather peeved about it. On Fire watching duty 8.30-12 but quiet night for us.

Thursday 20th

London heavily raided last night. Heavy fog during morning but cleared up later. Dorothy made Mother a Grand cake with 70 candles on, but we are having the party on Sunday.

Friday 21st

Rather cold still. Plymouth having nightly bad raids. Heavy deaths. Library in evening. Lazy evening afterwards.

Saturday 22nd

Quiet night. Wet and cold day. Unable to garden but late coming home. Frank has GOT on well with digging. Lazy evening at home.

Sunday 23rd

Snow and bitter cold morning. National Day of Prayer. Went to 8o/c communion. Morning service with mother, who later came to dinner, which was grand as we killed the cockerel. “Stoneacre” came to tea. Pleasant tea party. Pleasant evening.

Monday 24th

Quiet night. Newspapers again cut down. Busy day. Went to Garden Club meeting in evening, but not too successful – volunteers wanted for digging allotment plot – but they are not forthcoming.

Tuesday 25th

Wet night and rained most of the day. Jam etc. now rationed but Dorothy has a very good store cupboard. Home Guard in evening. Dorothy gave attic good spring clean.

Wednesday 26th

Stormy but milder. Had a visit from post-man who brought me papers to go for my medical on Friday – at last the dread day. First Daffs and Scilla’s out. Azaleas coming out well. Pleasant evening at home.

Thursday 27th

Stormy day. YugoSlavs have revolted. “Great work Good old King Peter”. Busy at 34. Church Council meeting in evening, am now secretary. Dorothy spring cleaning. Bathed etc in readiness for tomorrow morn. For which I am not looking forward.

Friday 28th

The Great day has arrived. Feel much better about it. Spent time from 9.30 to 12.30 at Dover Hall but found it most interesting. Passed Grade 1 for which I am thankful. Great work in Africa by our Forces. Filled in appeal form at night for short postponement. Library in evening.

Saturday 29th

Bitter east wind. Worked all day on stocktaking. No half-day. Filled in application form for deferment of calling up and the Rector endorsed it. Settled up various Library duties in evening. Daffs coming out Rooks are busy building.

Sunday 30th

Went to work at 9o/c, all day on Stocktaking. Got on well and Doc Paid us well. Fire watching in evening until 12.30. Mediterranean battle, we sank 6 or 7 of Italy’s best.

Monday 31st

Cold wind. Busy at work at stocktaking. Worked on Council minutes in evening. Pleasant evening at home.

April 1941

Tuesday 1st

Wet and cold all day. Six possibly seven Italian ships sunk during battle of Mediterranean [Matapan]. Home Guard in evening.

Wednesday 2nd

Wet morning and rained all day. Usual busy day. Official visited Mother about R.A.F. allowance by me when I’m away. Busy evening, writing in evening.

Thursday 3rd

Wet and cold again. Very disappointing. We have evacuated Bengazi – do hope nothing too bad is happening. Did top of Lewis gun overhaul in evening.  Thunder storm. Bill and Ron went to A.R.P. supper.

Friday 4th

Quiet night for us altho’ Bristol was raided again. Still wet and cold. Awaiting developments in Yugoslavia. No Library in evening owing to failure to change books.

Saturday 5th

Cold morning changing even colder in afternoon. Half day in garden. Pruned roses and cleaned up a little. Advance goes on well in Abyssinia.

Sunday 6th

Northwind. Dry. GERMANY declared WAR on YUGOSLAVIA and GREECE. Our troops get to Addis Ababa. Home Guard in morning. Lazy afternoon. Went to church with mother in evening. Ron went to London. Altogether enjoyable day.

Monday 7th

Nothing too clear of Balkan fighting yet. Bitter cold day. Attended an appeal committee for an extension. Fixed up Library business too. Scout wind up supper in evening.

Tuesday 8th

Extensive raids on England. 5 enemy planes down. We put up terrific raid on Kiel and other German ports. Grand day, cold wind gone. Busy. Notified that appeal was squashed but do not mind. Home Guard in evening.

Wednesday 9th

Shall have to get my various businesses cleaned up now. Had very disturbed night. Bombs fell on rear of factory, allotments and tunnel. Incendiaries on station but thank God we are all safe.

Thursday 10th

Not too bad a night altho’ we did’nt go to bed very early. Germans are still pushing on in Greece – Went to very pleasant and enjoyable service in church in evening. “I do thank God for our beautiful church”.

Friday 11th

Thank God again that we got thro’. Another disturbed night but bombs not so near as Tuesday. Coventry and Birmingham again raided. German forces meet our forces in Greece. Worked all day. Went to church in evening. Dorothy up the woods.

Saturday 12th

Quiet night. German thrust still continues in Yugoslavia. Busy morning. Half day. Mowed lawns for first time. Garden looks grand. Daffs out. Late going to bed.

Sunday 13th

“Christ the Lord is Risen today” Alleluya”. 7o/c church with Frank. Church again at 10.45. Beautiful service. Pleasant afternoon. Went to “Stoneacre” for tea. Altogether very pleasant evening. Thank God for Easter.

Monday 14th

Dull day and wet. Nice evening. Frank went to London with Kath and Tony. Helped with Hire work – very busy. SAW FIRST SWALLOW. Renovated border in evening, must get some Phlox. Very happy day.

Tuesday 15th

Peaceful night. Nice day but show’ry evening. Not very busy at work. Helped with hire driving in evening. Up to now Blisworth parish has had more incidents from enemy bombers than any other town or village in Northamptonshire.

Wednesday 16th

Quiet night for us. Grand day. German thrust still continues both in Syria [Vichy French] and Greece. Bought a dozen new phlox and put them in border in evening. Dorothy busy weeding strawberry bed. Mother came along to help.

Thursday 17th

Another quiet night altho’ London had bad raid again. Vestry meeting in evening, still to carry on as secretary. Rather exciting evening.

Friday 18th

Quiet night once again. Blackbird on Garage now has one egg. Daffs now are grand. Library in evening – Then on fire watching 10-1 but uneventful night.

Saturday 19th

Wet morning but cleared up later. Had a beer with Cecil at mid-day. Then came home and had a good half-day in garden – started making path from well to fowl house.

Sunday 20th

Show’ry but otherwise nice day. Home Guard in morning then helped Ron with his garden. Went to Kenilworth and Coventry in afternoon and evening. Very pleasant apart from the sight of poor old Coventry.

Monday 21st

Quiet night. Postman brought me my free pass to Padgate for Thursday. So wont be long now. Grand day. Hyacinths look grand in garden. Tulips coming out too. Busy in garden in evening. How beautiful everywhere is.

Tuesday 22nd

Quiet night for us but Plymouth again heavily raided. Our troops holding out well in Greece still. Busy day at Seals – told them I was having tomorrow off.

Wednesday 23rd

ST. GEORGES DAY Slightly disturbed night. Cold but pleasant. Spent day at Home which was to Seals discomfort. Finished path and had general clean up in garden. Frank put some potatoes in. Had bath in evening and prepared for the momentous morrow. Greek government evacuates to Crete.

Thursday 24th

Ron ran me into Northampton. Caught the 8.30 to Warrington, good journey, got to Padgate camp for dinner. Quite good. Spent the afternoon with waits and interviews then tea, bed making etc – then a visit to the camp pictures – but after that rather disturbed night of sirens etc.

Friday 25th

No sooner asleep than time to get up – but quite ready. Good breakfast then on the usual waits and more interviews but managed to get finished after dinner. Had 5/- payment – then called at Warrington and caught train home at 4.30 which got us back at 9.15. Tired but contented. Now 1527523.

Saturday 26th

Work again. Finished at tea time. Fair day but bitter cold east wind. Wrote to Henry and Cecil in evening. Came home with good selection of provisions and good supply of sweets. Greek episode almost finished.

Sunday 27th

Cold wind but nice day. Went on Home Guard in morning. Grand dinner. Lazy afternoon. Weeded flower beds. Church in evening. Grand service. Lazy evening. Mother came along to tea.

Monday 28th

Quiet night for us altho’ Plymouth had bad raid. Evacuation of Greece continues. Dull evening. Spent evening at home. Tulips just coming out.

Tuesday 29th

East wind still. Quiet night. Mother, Dorothy and kids went sticking in the evening. Prepared tomato beds in greenhouse. Glass of sherry, supper then bed.

Wednesday 30th

Quiet night for us but Plymouth had bad raid again. Cold wind still persists. 80% of our troops safely evacuated from Greece. Went to Towcester pictures in evening. Quite an enjoyable evening. Frank has got some grand tomato plants.

May 1941

Thursday 1st

Another quiet night Thank God. Busy day at Seals. Worked on Iris border in evening. Much brighter afternoon but wind still persists. Bill heard the cuckoo on the 28th last, same as last year.

Friday 2nd

Quiet night again for us. Cold and wet morning but cleared up later. Grand afternoon and evening. Library in evening. Garden looks Grand.

Saturday 3rd

Quiet night for us. Grand day. Worked until 5o/c . Mowed lawns and repaired greenhouse roof in evening. On Fire watching duty 10-1. Grand night our fighters fetched 16 “Gerrys” down (record). Peaceful night for us.

Sunday 4th

Late getting up. TIME NOW CHANGED AGAIN now 2 hours ahead. Grand day. Perfect. Gardened in morning. Frank planted kidney beans. Grand afternoon in garden. Church in evening. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow”.

Monday 5th

Nice day altho’ rather tired. Killed pig which is like old times again. Stayed in Town and had night out with Cecil. Very enjoyable. Went to Plough for dinner then went to New Theatre. Slept at Cecil’s. Quiet night. “Thank God”. Now light till after 10o/c .

Tuesday 6th

Grand day. 8 Enemy bombers down last night. Still tired but shall soon get used to change of time. Mother and Dorothy spent busy day cutting up pig and making faggots etc. Started to tidy up yard in evening. Brought 20lbs of sugar home. Helped on hire work in evening.

Wednesday 7th

Quiet night for us altho’ our night fighters did well again on enemy raiders. Cold wind still persists. Garden not growing much. Large parade in evening of Home Guard, Scouts, Guides, etc. headed with the Army band in connection with the National Savings week.

Thursday 8th

Up at 4.30 on Guard. Nice morning. Grand to hear the birds first chorus. Blasted cold East Wind, do wish it would change. Frank on fire watching in evening. 24 enemy bombers down last night. 12 today. Grand work RAF!!! Tennis club meeting in evening. Pleasant evening at home, supper and plenty of gossip.

Friday 9th

Raiders again busy – but quiet night for us. East wind still continues. Do wish it would get warmer. 13 enemy bombers down last night. Worked in garden in evening but the plants are not moving at all. Severe frost last night.

Saturday 10th

Quiet night for us and quieter night in general. We must have given Gerry pain in the neck this week. Library in evening. Tidied up yard a bit more. Had another rise. Now getting £3. This should have happened years ago.

Sunday 11th

Another quiet night – but London had bad raid – but 33 bombers were brought down by our stout RAF boys [London’s big fire raid]. Went to 8o/c church. Gardened all morning. Frank busy putting onions out. Home killed pork for dinner – grand. More gardening in afternoon.

Monday 12th

Quiet night for us. Nice day. Raids general last night. Feel darned tired. Spent lazy evening tidying up etc. but do not feel too energetic.

Tuesday 13th

Dull day. Great news Now released that Hess, Hitler’s deputy landed by parachute on Saturday evening in Scotland. Wonder what is behind all this. Home Guard practice in evening on defence of Milton. Quiet an enjoyable evening.

Wednesday 14th

Dull day. Wish it would rain. No new Hess developments. Tidying up in garden in evening. Tulips are now coming out well but they want spot of warm weather. Pleasant evening at home including Asparagus chitterlings and Rhubarb and custard for supper so should have tummy ache later.

Thursday 15th

Quiet night but cold. Snowed in morning. During the last raid on London, Parliament, Temple Courts and Westminster Abbey were badly damaged and many other notable buildings. Worked on garden in evening preparing sandpit for Edwin.

Friday 16th

Very stiff frost again. Quiet night. Grand day but wind still too cold. Busy at 34. Library in evening. Mowed lawns afterwards. No need to light up till 10o/c , and was very nice out in garden at 10.30. Genista out grand in greenhouse.

Saturday 17th

Rather noisy night but nothing for us to worry about. Nice day. Took Mother to Rep. Theatre in afternoon to see Bernard Shaw’s “Major Barbara” Very enjoyable. Home for tea. Did the flowers in church, then mowed own lawns etc. And so to bed – early, 10.30.

Sunday 18th

Grand day after Quiet night. Forked strawberry bed in morning – wants rain badly. Dinner then spot of gardening – looks grand. Took photos of all the children with Mother. Do hope they come out well – altho’ both Jayne and Trevor were “off colour”.

Monday 19th

Quiet night. Grand rain most of the day, very welcome. Duke of Aosta gives in in Abyssinia. Collected yesterdays photo efforts. Very pleased about the results. Glass of sherry with Mother and Dorothy in evening. Renting. Wrote to Cecil - and grand supper of asparagus – Ye Gods – how good.

Tuesday 20th

Quiet night. Dull day. Garden looks grand after the rain. Started work on churchyard paths. Rather a tough job.

Wednesday 21st

Quiet night for us. Up at 4.15 on Home Guard duty. Grand morning. Wet evening. Fierce attack started on Crete. Hope we can hold out. Worked on churchyard paths in evening. Back aching job. Asparagus for supper and so to bed.

Thursday 22nd

Quiet night. This is rather strange but – good [Luftwaffe off to invade Russia]. Battle of Crete still fiercely going on. Hope and pray that we can hold on. Dull day. Tulips coming out grand. Genista out full. Went over to Wootton in evening to see young Jackie but he was out. Do hope the kid is straight. Pleasant evening. Ascension day.

Friday 23rd

Quiet night. Postman brought my call up papers. Have to report on June 3rd at Blasted Padgate. Firm rather upset about it. Jackie also gave his notice. Library in evening. Mowed lawns in evening. How grand the garden looks.

Saturday 24th

Crete battle still going on. Hood sunk of Greenland. Bad knock this [Although outdated this ship was long the flagship of the Home Fleet and was still regarded as the symbol of the Royal Navy]. Put flag on church in morning. Long day at work. Rained heavily in evening. Went down to Grafton House in evening. Enjoyable game of darts.

Sunday 25th

Quiet night showr’y day. Up and on Parade at Hotel Grounds in morning. “Independant” [local newspaper] took photos. Grand dinner. Then took Mother and others for little drive afterwards. Church in evening. Mr. and Mrs Cowley came in to supper. Altogether grand day.

Monday 26th

Quiet night again. Stormy. Went to work as usual. Busy day. Crete battle still going on. Went into N’pton in evening and went to Savoy. Good picture. Helped with hire work afterwards. Bed at 1o/c . Rather tired.

Tuesday 27th

Grand news – we have sunk the Bismark. “Nice work Navy” Stormy day – Could do with spot of settled weather now. Did spot of work in churchyard, then helped Dorothy clear up room after spring cleaning.

Wednesday 28th

Quiet night. Grand day. Last day at work – not too nice a feeling. Battle for Crete still continues. Had last civilian haircut. Gardened in evening – and so to bed. Roosevelt gave great speech. All aid to us.

Thursday 29th

Grand day. Spent very enjoyable day at home. Drove Mother, Dorothy, Phyllis and the babes into N’pton in morning for shopping. Dug up flower beds in afternoon. Wet evening. Went to party at the Rectory in evening. Quite an enjoyable time.

Friday 30th

Wet and dull all day, but managed to do a bit of gardening in afternoon. Spent pleasant morning tidying up and helping Dorothy. Planted beds out with Antirrhinums and Petunias. Did spot of Driving in evening. Glass of sherry with Mrs. Woolacott, Miss Thomas, Frank and Dorothy. Went to pictures.

Saturday 31st

Dull morning but cleared up later. Went into Northampton during morning to say Cheerio to all the “boys”. Mowed lawns in afternoon and watered churchyard paths with weed killer. Put flag on church – and decorated church with plants. Enjoyable evening - and so to bed.

June 1941

Sunday 1st

Dull morning but lovely evening. Went to 8o/c Church with Frank and Bill. Worked in garden in morning and afternoon. Garden looks grand. Apple blossom just out grand. Mother came to dinner and tea and supper. Church in evening with Mother and Dorothy. Enjoyable service.

Monday 2nd

Dull day. Last day at home but enjoyed every minute of it. Mowed lawns etc. and helped with hire in evening. Said Cheerio to the Caesars and Woolacotts. Day of very mixed feelings – don’t like the idea of leaving the garden etc.

Tuesday 3rd

OFF AT LAST Goodbye all round. Poor old Mum. Caught 8.30. Camp at 1.30 and busy afternoon checking in and medical. Grand day for weather. Pictures in evening and bed at 9.30. Tired but quite happy. Shall get full equipment tomorrow.

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This document was pasted from a MS Word file that contained many instances of o/c formatted with a superscript 'o' and a subscript 'c'.  To retain tabulation, the pasting was done via MS Excel and the columns were then pasted to MS Frontpage to create the table you see here.  Editing this document in MS Frontpage is a nightmare since, on introducing a space to insert more text, the latter part of the cell text content is then set in subscript.  It would not be at all surprising if this file behaves badly in browsers other than IE6 and readers will be well advised to not copy/paste the text to anything else besides Notepad!