Affordable Housing Scheme nears completion in Blisworth

A new housing development is nearing completion in Blisworth village, between Towcester and Northampton. The project is a small development of affordable housing designed to meet the housing needs of local people. It is the result of a partnership between South Northamptonshire Council, Bromford Housing Group and Blisworth Parish Council who have been working together since 2005.

There will be 21 homes on the site, 13 for rent and eight for sale on a shared ownership arrangement through Bromford Housing Group. The 19 two, three and four bed roomed houses and the two bungalows being built by local contractor Augusta will be ready for occupation in early 2007.

They will be made available to local people who meet the special local eligibility criteria, agreed by the partnership.  To be eligible for this scheme, applicants must meet one of the following conditions:

Been ordinarily resident within the parish for a minimum of three years;
Have close relatives living in Blisworth for at least three years; 
Previous residence for five years;
Permanent employment in the village (as it turned out, this was not enforced, Ed.)

All applicants who meet these criteria will then be assessed in terms of their housing need, with those in the greatest need being allocated first.

Residents will have the chance to find out more at an information event at Blisworth Village Hall on Tuesday, 31 October between 3.30pm and 7.00pm. This will be an opportunity for local people to look at the site plans and ask questions for example on the design of the properties, the eligibility criteria and how they can apply.

High house prices on the open market and the lack of smaller affordable accommodation mean that many local people on modest incomes are unable to find a home in the village. The land used for this development in Courteenhall Road, is known as an 'exception' site because it would not normally be released for housing.  However, an exception to the planning rules was made because local needs were demonstrated and the houses will be available at affordable prices forever.  The Housing Corporation and private finance have provided funding.